About Me

  1. Bullet Biography -  More Info

  2. Bullet Resume - More Info

  1. Bullet “Violence is the Last Refuge of the Incompetent”

  2. Bullet “The Merciful Shall Obtain Mercy” (Christ)

  3. Bullet “Blessed are those who mourn                                                for they shall be comforted” (Christ)

  4. Bullet “Today, and for many decades now Fame has been determining Significance; rather than Significance determining Fame.” (Composer Richard Byron Strunk)

  5. Bullet “There is nothing wrong with having treats such as a Snickers Bar or Cotton Candy; but a diet made up solely on this for Breakfast, Lunch and Supper is self-evidently unhealthy and lacks in substantive nutrition for the health of the body; likewise a diet made up solely/ or mostly of various popular Song & Dance Band genre is also self-evidently unhealthy and lacks in substantive nutrition for the health of the mind , heart and spirit.” (Composer Richard Byron Strunk)

Ricks Future Goals: Keep Truckin’ On

*(Pop Up off site)

My Photo Albums

Music Festival

Fall 2008

Norm: My Cat

Summer 2008

My Dream Home

Summer 2008


About Composer Richard Byron Strunk

Rick 1990 Age 33

Rick 2006 Age 49

Reviews of Rick's Works

Richard Strunk presented several Midi recordings of works involving a unique compositional technique he has developed. His system involves remapping tonal sonorities into a more complex system, but using the timbres of Rock Bands; Electric Instruments and Drums. It was a very interesting and fresh approach that was well received!

  1. -Sounding Board  

  2. (January 1999 Vol 26 #1)

  American Composer's Forum

"..I am particularly taken with your "Words of Concerns on Western Musical Culture--etc." A provocative and devastating accurate review of the loss of target, taste and common sense in the commercial facet of our society.. At any rate, I’ve not read ANYTHING that seemed more on target and covered the whole spectrum as did that Essay!"

- Dr. Robert Steinbauer

  Chairman of KSU

  Department of  Music

"A true innovator, full of life and passion, Richard Byron Strunk's music embodies conservative elements and radical innovations. His repertoire includes Classical, Jazz, New Age, Minimalist, Rock & too many to list! Such diversity enables Listeners from all walks of life to relate to Strunk's works."

- SonicAwareness